It's Not Complicated
He then answered, "Whether He is a sinner, I do not know; one thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see." - John 9:25 (NASB) Simple is better! No, this is not an AT&T commercial, but we do have a tendency to complicate many things in faith. The story represented in the verse above is a great illustration. Jesus was doing what He always did, namely loving, teaching, and healing. This is where he meets this unnamed man who had been born blind. Like many of his day, the man apparently spent much of his time begging on the roadside for money and food. Jesus sees the man and proceeds to heal him. The manner in which heals him is pretty wild, for Jesus spits onto the ground, makes some mud with it, smears it on the man's eyes, and tells him to go and wash it off. As the man did what Jesus instructed, his eyes were miraculously restored. This was on Sunday, and the Pharisees did not like the fact that Jesus was "working" by healing the man. So,...