If You Continue

"...'If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.'" - John 8:31-32 (NASB)

   There are many verses of Scripture that are taken out of context and used in inappropriate or inaccurate ways. I believe this is done many times innocently, but there are those who will deliberately use the Word of God for their own personal gain. This verse is a good example of Scripture that is often taken out of context. We love to quote the latter part of this text, "the truth will set you free," and the principle is incredibly powerful. However, when we skip the first part we risk losing its context and damaging the promise. The context is discipleship, or walking with Jesus. When we walk with Jesus daily, we can expect the Word of God to both reveal truth and bring freedom to us. But, if we choose to avoid Him, can we really expect to either know truth or to live free? I would argue the case that it simply is not possible. Any believer who wants to know and understand the Word of God (truth) and reap its benefits in their daily life (freedom) must walk with Jesus.  "If you continue in My word" is the key to understanding and applying this principle. If is only a two-letter word, yet it is the "biggest" word in these two verses. Living by the Word of God proves that you are a true disciple, and disciples know God's truth and enjoy freedom in Christ!


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