The Difference
"Lord, if You had been here, my brother wold not have died." - Jn. 11:21 & 32 (NASB)
This piercing statement was made not once but twice to Jesus, each time by a sister of Lazarus, and a friend of Jesus. However, the responses were much different. When Martha asked the question (v.21), Jesus responded by telling her Lazarus was going to rise again (v.23). She did not get it, so Jesus reminded her that He is the resurrection and the life. (v.25) She still did not get it. We know this because she responded to Jesus by avoiding His question. On the contrary, when Mary spoke those same words (v.32) Jesus responded by asking where Lazarus's body was buried, then proceeded to the tomb to resurrect him. (v. 34-44)
Why did Jesus respond to them differently? He could have just as easily asked Martha where Lazarus's body was buried. Perhaps Jesus wanted to engage the faith of each of these women at the level they were. In Luke, the story is told of Jesus meeting these sisters (10:38-42). Martha was busy in the kitchen while Mary sat at Jesus' feet. Martha was all upset about cooking dinner for the guests while Mary was more concerned about hearing Jesus. Jesus gently rebuked Martha, telling her, "You are troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." (NKJV) With this Scripture in mind, I consider the possibility that Martha never got it. She spoke to Jesus, but avoided His question; whereas Mary spoke to Jesus and got results. Perhaps Martha was still consumed with caring for the responsibilities of this world. There is no way that we can know for certain. However, considering these are the only two passages where Mary and Martha are mentioned, there is good evidence that Mary was connected to Jesus in a much closer and powerful way than Martha.
What can you and I learn in this? Since, technically speaking, Mary and Martha were praying (talking to Jesus), we should take every opportunity to sit at the feet of Jesus. I believe this is what made the difference in the answers to their prayers. Knowing how to pray does not necessarily generate answers, but knowing Jesus does. Sit at His feet today.
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