
" not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near." - Heb. 10:25 When it comes being a Christian, one of the fundamental truths that we much grasp is that we are now part of something much bigger than we are as individuals. We have become part of the family of God, the Body of Christ: the Church. As a Christian, you are not the Church by yourself, but you are part of the Church. Your unique gifts, talents, and personality means that you are unlike anyone else in creation. You are a valued member of God's family. That means that the Church needs you, and you need the Church! When the writer of Hebrews penned the verse above, I doubt very seriously that he could even guess that we would be in the place we are today. Due to COVID-19, every church in the US--and likely all over the world--is operating a bit differently than before. Most of us have been impacted to some degree wh...