"Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so." - Acts 17:1
We live in a social-media-infested world in which everyone is a practicing physician, historian, or theologian...or at least that what they claim; a world in which everyone is now an expert. Many claim truth is relevant, and others say it does not exist at all. And opinions? Well, opinions are as numerous as the stars in the sky. The result is that truth is often left behind.
During one of his missionary journeys Paul ended up in Berea. There he preached and taught of Christ just as he had done in many other places. In Berea, the believers listened to what the apostle Paul said, but they did something even more important: they measured his words against Scripture. Paul was--arguably--the greatest evangelist in history, and his reputation was well-known. However, the Bereans carefully weighed and investigated the things Paul said of Christ and Scripture to verify truth. They did not take his words at face value, but they analyzed and scrutinized them making sure that was he said was true.Their example is one we should follow today.
It is easy to latch onto some truth or revelation a well-known individual may share, but we should take the same approach the believers did at Berea and examine the message and its meaning. We should ensure that the Bible is being conveyed honestly and clearly. Our world is looking for truth. And, in a world where truth is found "everywhere" and "nowhere", the Bible is the answer. Before we latch onto the next revelation or truth that comes our way, our best move is to measure those words against the Bible, but not just a verse or two. Let's make sure the message lines up with the context and meaning of the text from where the truth or revelation comes from. We can "make" the Bible say anything we want to, but it takes a careful eye and ear to discern truth. Investigate and grow friends!
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