
Showing posts from February, 2018

Keep it Secret

"...when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face so that your fasting will not be noticed by men, but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you." (Matt. 6:18)    Years ago I went on a fast, but did not tell my wife, but rather choosing to make it a secret from anyone. I just so happened that a day or two later that she desired on of her favorite quick-meals: bean burritos, extra cheese and no onions. Due to my fast, I ordered nothing. As we drove down the road she asked me the inevitable question, "Would like some of this burrito?" My answer was a simple "No thank you." This was repeated several times until she began to wave said burrito in front of my face, telling me just how marvelous it was. It was at this time that informed her that I was fasting, which caused her to feel quite guilty. Looking back at I can clearly tell you that it was funny then and even funnier now (at least to m...

He's Still Creating

" ...even God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist." - Rom 4:17 (NASB)    Typically speaking, when we think about creation, our minds immediately go to Genesis. There we read how the LORD spoke and the universe as we know it came into being. After six days God rested or ceased. But is this the end? Is it possible that He is still creating, even as you read this?     The verse above is speaking about Abraham and his faith. As he writes to the Roman believers Paul is presenting the concept that we are made right in God's sight by faith. (You'll have to read the entire chapter to get the context.) While he is doing so, he briefly touches on a powerful principle that we do not often think about. He writes that God calls into being that which does not exist . That's creating! Not reallocating what He has already created, but bringing not existence.    So what is God is bringing into existence?  W...