"Indeed, has God said...", (Gen. 3:1, NASB).
It seems to me that one of the most effective tools Satan has in his arsenal is his ability to twist and misconstrue the Bible. A thorough reading will uncover that he often attempts to discredit and undermine the Word of God. And, since God's Word is our foundation for life and godliness, Satan compromises truth at its very. Notice, Satan said to Eve, "Indeed, has God said..." In contemporary language, "Did God really say that?
Satan is the master of taking God's truth and turning it into "if". I would not go as far as saying that doubt is the exact opposite of faith (see Mk. 9: 14-27), but I am comfortable stating that when Satan can cause a child of God to take an "if" attitude towards the Bible, or even Jesus himself, then disaster is on the way. God's Word is God's Word, whether we believe it or not. Our unbelief does not change reality per se; it simply changes our own perception. Satan will attempt to cause the believer (and the unbeliever as well) doubt the validity of the Bible, thereby eroding the very foundation of his or her faith.
Once faith becomes an "if", trouble is near. We allow ourselves to doubt God's Word more than we care to admit: Will He really forgive me this time? Will He really provide my needs? Will He really guide me? Will He...will He...will He??? The "if's" permeate our hearts and minds. However, the Word of God is remarkably clear. Stand firm in your faith, and in your confidence in the Word of God. The promises of God are reliable; He has not failed you yet, and will not fail you in the future.
Once faith becomes an "if", trouble is near. We allow ourselves to doubt God's Word more than we care to admit: Will He really forgive me this time? Will He really provide my needs? Will He really guide me? Will He...will He...will He??? The "if's" permeate our hearts and minds. However, the Word of God is remarkably clear. Stand firm in your faith, and in your confidence in the Word of God. The promises of God are reliable; He has not failed you yet, and will not fail you in the future.
Don't let your faith turn into an "if".
* Image courtesy of http://anti-deprime.com/2015/02/02/laccessoire-etonnant-et-inspirant-du-jour-la-regle-flexible-et-incassable/
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