What's Going On?

"And the four living creatures kept saying, "Amen." And the elders fell down and worshiped. "(Rev. 5:14, NASB)

   Have you noticed yet in the Bible that in every instance of someone's vision of heaven we see worship happening? In Revelation chapter five John tells us that he sees the four living creatures, the twenty-four elders, the angels, "myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands" of folks, and "every created thing" singing about and worshiping. (v 11-14) This is not only the case with John's vision. We see the same in the visions of Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. Even Jacob's vision way back in Genesis 28 hints at this same occurrence. With all this worship taking place in heaven, what are we missing down here on earth?

   We usually equate worship to singing, but worship is more. The word "worship", in the original Greek language (προσκυνέω) means to "prostrate oneself in homage."* It is an action word that depicts a person literally bowing down before another in a show of honor, respect, and submission.  In this student's opinion, this "bowing down" certainly can be physical, but is more a posture of the heart of the individual which will manifest itself in all areas of a person's life: actions, speech, lifestyle, etc. To worship, a person must submit themselves to the one (or thing) being worshipped. 

   In John's vision, those who are in heaven have a very clear understanding of Him "who sits on the throned", and their natural response is to worship Him. This is what's going on in heaven. If we are missing something here on earth, it must be the proper vision or understanding of what they see. They see God and worship; we do not see Him as clearly, so we do not worship, or at least not to the same degree. Someone once said that mankind was created to worship. And, although the Bible does not record this mandate in such a succinct form, I believe the idea to be true. Solomon wrote, "The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments.' (Ecc. 12:13, NASB) 
   Worship was taking place in heaven long before you and I came along. It's happening in heaven now, and it will continue to happen for eternity.  Every creature in heaven is seen worshipping God. This is man's great purpose. Why not start today?

*Strong's Talking Greek & Hebrew Dictionary.)
** image courtesy of http://churchofchristarticles.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/worship.jpg


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