Where's Pentecost?

"for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now." (Acts 1:5, NASB)

   There is a phrase we use in Texas that says, "I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could." As a non-native Texan, the phrase holds true for me. The idea also holds true in regard to Pentecost. I was not raised in a Pentecostal environment, but I have been now for over 20 years, and have no plans to every change. The crossover was a little difficult for me, but not for reasons that may seem obvious. 

   The Bible says Jesus healed the sick, cast out demons, and performed miracles. Anyone who reads the Word of God will agree. Furthermore, the disciples of Jesus did the same; both those that walked with Him and those who came after Him. For me it was not a big stretch to believe that these still happen. Truthfully, it was the manifestation of these supernatural gifts that caught the attention of my heart and caused me to seek more. Sure, it was somewhat frightening the first time a saw a demon-possessed person delivered, but it didn't send me running from the church. Rather, it sent me running to the Bible to see what God's Word said. I began to ask the question, "Why don't I see these things happening today?" That question is a little easier to answer in non-Pentecostal circles, but what about those who are Pentecostal?  As a Pentecostal pastor, the churches I have pastored have seen people filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, we have seen the sick healed, we have watched addicts miraculously delivered, and witnessed various miracles take place right before our eyes, not to mention the regular operation of the manifestation gifts of the Holy Spirit as mentioned by Paul (1 Cor. 12:7-11). To me, these are the norm, not the exception.

   Over the years I have spoken to plenty of eyewitnesses that tell me, we are not all Pentecostal in practice. Why is this? Perhaps some are afraid that it may scare folks off. Maybe some are worried about things getting out of control in their services. Possibly some just are not Pentecostal anymore. I am not going to speculate. Are there abuses? Absolutely. However, a minister who is in tune with God will recognize what is taking place and can provide Biblical direction. God is a God of order, not chaos.

   Why don't we let the Holy Spirit do what He wants to do in the church? We are Evangelical, but we are first and foremost Pentecostal. People desperately need the genuine move of God in their lives, perhaps now more than ever before. If we are Pentecostal, why don't we operate in a Pentecostal manner? The A/G has experienced unprecedented growth around the world primarily as a result of the power of the Spirit working in miraculous ways: i.e., Pentecost. If there is one thing that I am sure of, it is that we need more Pentecostal ministry in our churches. People are looking for something real. Let's show it to them.


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