The Tragedy of Judas

The Tragedy of Judas

"Then when Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that He had been condemned, he felt remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders..." - Matt. 27:3-5, (NASB)

   There is always a danger when we begin to speculate about possible outcomes in history "if this or that" would have happened. The story of Judas is one that most people, even non-Christians, know well.  A few years ago I thought about how things could have turned out different for Judas, had the religious leaders responded differently to him. After betraying Jesus, Judas felt remorse and went to the temple, the "house of God," to return the silver. There he confessed to the priests, "I have sinned..." Precisely what Judas was looking for or expecting is still a mystery, but it occurred to me that the priests were given an opportunity to "restore" this sinner. I mean, Judas was at the temple, where sacrifices were offered for absolution (forgiveness) of sin was made, so he was at the right place to find forgiveness(under the Mosaic law). However, the response of the priests  sealed his fate, "What is that to us?" 
   Now, for my ministry friends and Bible scholars out there, I am not ignoring prophecy. I realize the events that unfolded did so according to the divine plan of God. So, it is possible to poke a number of holes in my speculation. Before you do, look at the Judas' story again. The actions of Judas are written in stone and cannot be changed, but the tragedy of his actions, I fear, is often replayed in our own communities. I wonder just how many men and women have come to the "house of God" looking for forgiveness, but were turned away by well-meaning church folks who met them with a spirit that screamed  "What is that to us?" I wonder if we will point the lost to Jesus, or turn them away so that they might "see that for themselves," as the priests told Judas. I pray that God will give us a heart of compassion so that the tragedy of Judas is not repeated in our churches.


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