The Deliverer

"Then the angel of God who was going before the host of Israel moved and went behind them, and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them," (Ex. 14:19, ESV)

   The Exodus of the Israelites from Egyptian captivity is both a well-known and powerful display of God's delivering power. As we play the event in our minds we usually see the mass of people standing at the edge of the Red Sea, with a cloud pillar behind them keeping Pharaoh at bay, and Moses (via God's power) parting the sea in front. Most of us have seen either a painting or some sort of depiction of this history-making event. However, there is one part that is usually missing from the image.

   Chapter 14 records this event in great detail. When we get to verse 19 tells us that, we are informed that, In addition to the cloud pillar, the "angel of God" was present also. There has been a number of explanations of this phenomenon, but I believe the best explanation is that this "angel of God" is a "Christophany" or a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus Christ.***  The Bible records numerous Old Testament appearances of an "angel of God" or an "angel of the LORD".  In some of these cases it was angelic being that we usually refer to as an "angel." In other cases, this "angel" is not an angel at all but Jesus himself. There is a way to tell the difference. In the Bible, an angel never allows any man to worship him. However,  the "angel of God (the LORD)" is a different story, for He often allows people to worship Him or offer sacrifices to Him. The reason is that this is no mere angel, but the LORD himself. 

   Here is the is a reason I point this out. The last plague on Egypt was the plague of the firstborn of Egypt. The only people who were not affected were those how applied the blood from a sacrificed lamb on their door frames. Wherever the blood was applied, they survived. This is the passover, and event celebrated by the Israelites for generations. The similarity to what Jesus later did on the cross is not simply a coincidence. Later, in the New Testament, Jesus told those in temple that he came to, "... proclaim liberty to the captives..." (Lk. 4:18, ESV) However, long before He came in the flesh to free us from sin, He had brought the Israelites out of their bondage. This post is not intended to address everything concerning Old Testament appearances of God. I just want you to remember that Jesus has, and always will be, the Deliverer. If you are ready to leave any bondage in your life, your Deliverer is ready. Jesus has been in the delivering business for a long time. 


***Note: Do not make the mistake of thinking Jesus was not here yet. Jesus had simply not come "in the flesh" yet, but He most certainly was present for He is God and was involved in creating with God the Father in the beginning. For more info, see Jn. 1:1, Col. 3:16


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