A Mystery

"In the beginning God..." ( Gen. 1:1)

   Our modern world cannot accept mysteries. Mysteries, those things which have no scientific explanation, are hunted down in a vain attempt to reduce everything to a knowledge subcategory on Wikipedia. So it does not surprise me that the Biblical account of creation is so hotly disputed. However, during research this week I was somewhat taken back by both the volume of views and the complexities of the approaches, primarily from within the "believing" community. As I looked at all the perspectives I noticed something they all seemed to have in common: denial of the supernatural. To some degree, each approach seems to take the supernatural event(s) of creation and attempt to insert some scientific, philosophical, mathematical or historical qualifiers in an attempt to explain what is clearly recorded in the Bible. 
   Call me old-fashioned, but I still believe in a supernatural God. Exegesis tells me that God created everything over the course of six days. Why is that so hard to understand? When the Bible records, "In the beginning God...," then I believe that not only was God there, but everything finds it origin and meaning in him. Genesis records that God created light before He created the sun and stars: He created light before there was a source of light. How is that possible? He is God. I simply do not need to know all the details. I get the big picture, and I exercise faith. Please do not misunderstand what I am saying. I am all for studying and searching the Scriptures for answers, but some things cannot be explained by the human mind. Some things within the Bible are beyond by ability to fully comprehend, but that neither bothers me nor scares me. Frankly, if the God that I serve can be fully explained and understood by my feeble mind, then my God is not too remarkable. Thankfully, He is beyond me. He transcends all that I am, all that you are, all that this world and universe is. He is a mystery to me, and I am glad.


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