
"Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come
unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son
of destruction..." (2 Thessalonians 2:3, NASB)
There has been a lot of talk through the years about the "apostasy" that Paul spoke of. Apostasy, in Biblical use, refers to an "act of rebellion against, forsaking, abandoning, or falling away from what one has believed."** Some of the arguments revolve around if the apostates referred to are genuinely believers or merely followers "in name only". Call me simple, but I believe that when the Bible tells us that some believers will fall away, then it means that some believers will fall away. (see 1 Tim. 4:1-2)
What precisely is Paul referring to when he speaks of the apostasy? We do not know when it will take place, or what it will look like. I think most of us will agree to this point. But, Paul informs us that the return of Jesus, in what we refer to as the second coming of Christ, will not take place until after two events: the apostasy, and the appearance of the antichrist. Revelation paints a detailed picture of the world of antichrist, so we generally know what that will look like. However, what about the apostasy? I would like to offer a few thoughts. In our nation, at this very moment, Biblical authority is being removed. Not from the people in general, but from the pulpit. In the last week alone, four "mainstream protestant" groups denied Biblical authority in regards to homosexual and otherwise deviant sexual behavior. Among these groups (who will remain nameless for now) were found LGBT marriages, ordinations, and various forms of affirmation, each one dismissing Biblical principles. In addition, one "megachurch" pastor stood before his congregation and supported the use of marijuana and alcohol, saying that their use is not necessarily sinful. There are many other examples of situations like this, but what do they say as a whole? Perhaps we are living in the day in which the church walks away from her Master. Listen to how Spiros Zodhiates defines apostasy: "This departing from someone does not necessarily imply whole-hearted agreement or disagreement, but it is separating oneself for the purpose of not incurring the dangers of association." *** In other words, they are apostate not because they do not believe, but because they no longer will pay the price of following. Jesus said, "... No one, after putting his hand to the plow
and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." Luke 9:62 (NASB)
Could we be living in the waning moments prior to the return of Christ? I believe we are, although I will make no prediction as to when this will happen. All I know is this: Disciples of Jesus Christ will suffer. We will be accused of being unloving, mean-spirited and bigoted, haters, and the like all for speaking the truth. However, we do not get to write the rules. God determined the guidelines for godliness and holiness, and Christ both affirmed them and enabled us to live the same way. How can we proclaim anything less? Apostasy in the pulpit will lead to apostasy in the pews.
**Holman's Illustrated Bible Dictionary.
***Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible
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