Well, It Seems Right
"There is a way which seems right to a man, but it's end is the way of death." - Prov. 16:25 (NASB)
Solomon's words are so simple, and yet so true. I realize that there is nothing new, in regard to sin. The same problems that have been plaguing men since the beginning are still here today. Yes, they may be dressed up and presented differently, but they are still the same.
Solomon's words speak to our world as much as his own some three thousand years ago. Man, by his own account, does what "seems right" to him. Some have used the phrase "moral relativism", and I think that is appropriate. Society continually changes what is right and what is wrong. There are social, sexual, and spiritual themes that persist today, and are deemed "right" by society, and yet run contrary to the Word of God. Even if a people group, a government, or a church condone them as acceptable behavior, they are still wrong when they run contrary to Scripture.
Years ago I came to the place in my own relationship with God in which I said something to the effect of, "LORD, rather than me looking to the Bible in order to justify what I believe, I want to discover what Your Word says, and then align my life and beliefs accordingly. No more placing templates over the Bible that tell me how to interpret what I read. I want to clearly and plainly read and understand Your Word and Your plans for my life." Those are not the exact words I used, but you get the point. We are surrounded by people, some claiming to be "Christians", who use the Word of God to justify their lives. Do not be fooled friends. Jesus said the road to destruction was broad and many would find it. Just because someone tells you it is right does not mean it is. Let the Word of God become your final authority for life, rather than the thoughts or opinions of others.
Years ago I came to the place in my own relationship with God in which I said something to the effect of, "LORD, rather than me looking to the Bible in order to justify what I believe, I want to discover what Your Word says, and then align my life and beliefs accordingly. No more placing templates over the Bible that tell me how to interpret what I read. I want to clearly and plainly read and understand Your Word and Your plans for my life." Those are not the exact words I used, but you get the point. We are surrounded by people, some claiming to be "Christians", who use the Word of God to justify their lives. Do not be fooled friends. Jesus said the road to destruction was broad and many would find it. Just because someone tells you it is right does not mean it is. Let the Word of God become your final authority for life, rather than the thoughts or opinions of others.
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