Listen for Squeals

Most cars today have an ingenious tool built into their brake systems. As time goes on, the pads on the brake wear down, and will eventually they will begin to squeal. This is a sound that we all are familiar with. Sometimes it hurts your ears, and other times it makes your skin crawl like when running your fingernails across a chalkboard. Believe it or not, that is precisely what your brakes are suppose to do. The squealing is not the problem, but it does let you know that it is time to act before their is a problem. If the squealing is not dealt with, the squeal itself will become part of the problem.
In the passage above Jesus is talking rather sternly to the Pharisees. Pharisees were hypocritical religious leaders who enjoyed pointing out the faults of others, but were often more evil than those they criticized. He tells them, in a sense, that their attempts to clean the outside of a cup are pointless if the inside is dirty. In all honestly, what good would a dish (or cup) be if it is clean, but only on the outside? None, but Jesus was not talking about kitchen wares, He was talking about people. The Pharisees were so focused on "looking righteous" on the outside that they ignored righteousness on the inside, leaving them spiritually filthy, if not spiritually dead. However, their response to the LORD Jesus Himself revealed what truly was inside them. Their responses to Jesus were usually negative, but they were evidence of something much deeper. A squeal.
Getting clean on the outside is important, please do not misunderstand my point here. However, in light of Jesus' words, which is more important: getting clean internally or externally? I dare say internally. Notice what Jesus said, "cleanse first the inside...that the outside thereof my become clean also." When a person is saved by faith in Jesus, there is something that happens to them internally. The Holy Spirit shows up and begins to transform them into the likeness of Jesus, a process that will last the remainder of their life. This is how the LORD created it to work. The Holy Spirit brings new life into our mortal bodies, and we begin living, walking, and thinking differently.
Sometimes we see things in the lives of believers that we recognize as wrong or sinful behavior. Without denying the sinfulness of any particular problem, often what we see on the outside is the result of what is happening on the inside. Their spiritually poor behavior is a sign of a spiritually poor heart. We certainly need to address the "filth" on the outside, but the filth on the inside is more pressing. What is inside affects what is outside. Pay attention to squeals, they often serve as warning of a bigger and deeper problem.
*Personal note - Those of you I personally know are aware of my wife's health problems. She has been recently diagnosed with MS, and is currently hospitalized as a result of complications from the disease. I add this personal note for two main reasons. First, and foremost, to ask that you might add her to your prayers. We are praying and believing for a supernatural healing. In addition, I tell you this to explain my erratic posts lately. I do not always have the necessary time to sit down and post in the manner I would normally enjoy doing. Thank you for your understanding and prayers.
Kyle Miller
Sometimes we see things in the lives of believers that we recognize as wrong or sinful behavior. Without denying the sinfulness of any particular problem, often what we see on the outside is the result of what is happening on the inside. Their spiritually poor behavior is a sign of a spiritually poor heart. We certainly need to address the "filth" on the outside, but the filth on the inside is more pressing. What is inside affects what is outside. Pay attention to squeals, they often serve as warning of a bigger and deeper problem.
*Personal note - Those of you I personally know are aware of my wife's health problems. She has been recently diagnosed with MS, and is currently hospitalized as a result of complications from the disease. I add this personal note for two main reasons. First, and foremost, to ask that you might add her to your prayers. We are praying and believing for a supernatural healing. In addition, I tell you this to explain my erratic posts lately. I do not always have the necessary time to sit down and post in the manner I would normally enjoy doing. Thank you for your understanding and prayers.
Kyle Miller
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