Fly Away
This week marks one year that I have been posting Biblical insights online. "Thank you" to each of you that have read, commented, shared, or have otherwise been encouraged in your faith. As a way of commemorating the first year, I have decided to post some of the most popular posts of 2013, chosen by your interactions with them. I look forward to many more years of encouraging and equipping believers in the Word.
"… and shall let the live bird go free over the open field." - Lev. 14:7 (NASB)
Leviticus records that two birds were brought for the one who wanted to be made ceremonially clean. The unclean person (leper or other) would bring the two birds, one of which would be killed over the clay pot of fresh water. The live bird is dipped in the mixture of water, blood, along with the cedar wood, hyssop (a plant), and a scarlet thread. The priest would take these and sprinkle the unclean person, making them ceremonially clean. At this point a man is clean, one bird is dead, and the other is stained because of the blood. After all this, the bird that was dipped in the blood and water mixture was set free. Let that sink in for a moment. It is a beautiful picture of what God has done for the "unclean" individual. As a result, they are able to "fly" and not "die." It reminds me of Isaiah's well known passage, "…they shall mount up with wings as eagles…" (Is.41:31)
If you will bear with me for a moment. God has made a way for His creation, His people, to live free in ways many will never understand. The reason they cannot understand is because the blood has not been applied. Only those cleansed and covered by the blood of Jesus are able to understand the freedom that is found in Jesus. Sin and evil have a way of locking us in spiritual, emotional, and mental prisons, but God made a way for us to be free: through the blood of Jesus.
If you do not know Jesus, then I encourage you to find Him and meet Him today. He loves you and wants you to know the love and purposes for your life. If you do know Him, then serve Him diligently. Ask Him to reveal invisible walls that may be keeping you bound up. God wants you to fly free!
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