The Incomprehensible God

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than you ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." - Is. 55:9 (NASB)

   Many of us enjoy puzzles. Whether we are talking about the 1000 piece variety, Sudoku and crosswords, or games like Chess and Risk, each of these involve thoughtful research and careful planning (some more so than others). We like solving the puzzle. This works great for games, but our attempt to "solve" the unexplained things of God will always come up short. There is a term used in theology called "incomprehensible", and is used in describing God. It means that we are not capable of fully understanding God. Notice the word "fully". Incomprehensible does not mean that we cannot know about God or know Him personally. It means that our understanding of Him will always be partial. 
   God has chosen to reveal Himself through the Word of God, to humanity, progressively over time. Through the course of several thousand years, we have come to learn that our God is omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (everywhere-present), immutable (never changing), and eternal (without beginning or ending). If we stop and think about these qualities, we get a glimpse of "bigness" of our God. Furthermore, the sum total of our understanding of these attributes of God tells us that we will NEVER fully understand Him. Even after a few thousand years in His presence in heaven we will still be learning more and more about Him.
      Many times in this life we look at life's circumstances and think we have it all figured out. We know what is going to happen next, and we have God figured out. Isaiah prophesied that God's ways and thoughts and higher, or loftier, than our ours. Even on our most intelligent and insightful day we cannot come close to God's thoughts. And yet, in spite of all this, God chooses to reveal His thoughts, His plans, even Himself to those who will allow Him. The Creator of the universe wants to show you who He really is.     Are you watching?

(As a sidenote, I do not usually put personal comments into these studies, but many of you who I know personally are aware, my wife has been very sick. Recently diagnosed with MS she, along with her family, is fighting a whole new battle, including a recent hospital stay of eight days. I may not be able to make contributions here in the frequency that I would like to, but I will continue to make them. Thank you for being a part of what God is doing.)


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