God Doesn't Believe in Atheists
"...the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving..." (2 Cor. 4:6, NASB)
I may catch you off-guard just a little when I tell you that the Bible was not given to prove God. Please do not stop reading. I have neither backslidden nor lost my faith. The Bible most certainly is God's revelation of Himself to humanity, but it does not give definitive proof that the God we serve is truly God. Why is this?
The Bible's first four words provide the answer to this question: "In the beginning, God..." (Gen. 1:1) The Bible begins with an understanding that God does truly exist. It does not entertain the idea that He might not exist, nor does it give an organized list of evidence or scientific proof. It just tells us that before creation came into being, there was God. Humanity is born with this innate understanding that there is a Creator. It is woven into our being. History validates this claim, for on every continent throughout documented history we see man worshipping something. The objects of man's worship was many times misguided, distorted, or just plain "ungodly", but man inherently knows that God exists and needs to worship. In times of tragedy and hardship, even those who claim no belief in God will start reaching out for Him to intervene. The questions that usually arise are not about whether God exists, but what He is like. This is the purpose of the Bible. It reveals His nature, His plans, and His creative and redemptive acts. And, opposed to other "holy" books, the Bible has been proven to be historically, archaeologically, and prophetically accurate.
There are some who attempt to disprove and deny God. The Bible even speaks of them. Twice in David wrote, "The fool has said in his heart 'There is no God'..." (Ps.14:1, 53:1) The "fool", in archaic terms, is a person who has been tricked or duped into believing something that is untrue. Only a person who has been "blinded by darkness" can deny what the Bible says to be true. No amount of reasoning or arguing with them will convince them of the truth, for belief in God is not about scientific proof but faith. There must be spiritual intervention, or they will continue to live in darkness.
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