"I will magnify Myself, sanctify Myself, and make Myself known in the sight of many nations; and they will know that I am the the LORD." - Ezekiel 38:23 (NASB)
Ezekiel 38 is speaking about end-times events. Gog and Magog are speaking of the battle of Armageddon as we know it as presented in Revelation. This is the context of the verse above. We always want to make sure that we keep Scripture in its proper context.
Notice what the LORD says that He is going to do in view of the world. First He is going to magnify or elevate Himself. Since creation man has created other "gods" in his own image. God will make Himself known in such a way, working such magnificent wonders, that mankind will have no doubt that He is the LORD. Second, He will sanctify or separate Himself. We usually think of sanctification as a separation from sin. However, God has not and cannot sin. The sanctifying He is speaking of is setting Himself apart from every other "god", and even apart from mankind, so that He stands alone as LORD in the eyes of humanity. Finally He will make Himself known, or demonstrate Himself, to humanity. When the dust settles, so to speak, there will be no doubt who is and who is not God.
When does this take place? This particular verse of Scripture speaks directly to end-times events. However, every time a disciple gives the LORD worship and honor He is magnified, sanctified, and make known. In addition, I believe that this has been God's plan from the beginning and the general purpose of creation: to magnify, sanctify, and make the LORD known. Paul wrote, "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power
and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has
been made, so that they are without excuse." (Rom. 1:20, NASB) By His eternal nature He has elevated Himself, through His perfection He has separated Himself, and in His mighty deeds has demonstrated Himself. The LORD will most certainly accomplish what He purposes to do, but we do not have to wait until the tribulation to see this happen. He is elevating, separating, and demonstrating Himself today, and He wants His people to do the same.
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