Bad Shepherd

"...And they were scattered, because there was no shepherd; and they became food to all the beasts of the field, and were scattered." (Ezekiel 34:1-5, ASV)
The painting here is entitled, "The Bad Shepherd," by Pieter Brueghel II in the 1600s. If you look closely you can see where it receives its name. The shepherd is running from a wolf who is devouring one of the sheep. If you look closely, there appears to be another in the distance doing the same. It is a pretty good visual illustration of the LORD's scathing words through the prophet Ezekiel. The LORD had not-so-kind words for His ministers, His shepherds, that were responsible for caring for His people, but shrugged off their responsibilities to the sheep for their own interests.
I fully expect to be taken to task over this post, but I cannot remain silent. Several days ago, I posted a blog on alcohol consumption, looking at the OT priests' responsibility, and making application for holiness and sanctification today. I knew full well that not everyone was going to agree with me, but I was surprised at the source of most all the "differences" of opinions. By far, the average lay-person fully supported the notion and shared it with friends through social media. However, the small handful of negative views and comments that I received were not from laity, but from "the clergy" and "the educated." Some pastors went so far to inform me that they enjoy drinking and see nothing wrong with it. Others scolded or mocked me for misapplying the Word of God. As a pastor my heart was both broken and enraged. This is obviously and admittedly a subjective assumption, but it seems to me that the average Christian "in the pew" wants the Word of God, but the shepherds are hesitant to give it. Perhaps the reason we do not see revival in our churches and cities is because we as ministers do not stand up and tell them truth. Perhaps the shepherds are the problem.
As a pastor, I will stand before God and give an account for what I have fed to the sheep that God has entrusted to my care and how I care for them. I will not back down, water down, or put down the Word of God because I do not like its message or because its message is offensive. We are living in a society that is trading holiness for happiness and sanctification for self-improvement. We truly are living in the last days, where each man is looking for someone to scratch his itching ears. May God send upon us all a spirit of brokenness, and true, soul-transforming revival.
Please understand something friends. None of us have all the right answers, and I readily admit that I may very well be wrong on things myself. But I do know this to be true: truth disappears little-by-little, and we have already lost too much. I am not suggesting a legalistic approach to Christianity, but I think many will agree with me that Christ gave us freedom to live apart from carnality, not license to dive into the deep-end of it.
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