The More Things Change . . .

"And Joshua spoke to the priests, saying, 'Take up the ark of the covenant and cross over ahead of the people.'" - Joshua 3:6 (NASB)

   There is an old French proverb that states, "The more things change, the more they stay the same." The proverb fits a number of areas in life, but it also fits in relation to faith. In the verse above, Joshua and the Israelites are facing the prospect of crossing the Jordan River to enter the promised land. After forty years of rebellion, they would succeed where their parents had failed, but how would they get across was still unclear. Approximately forty-one years ago the entire nation crosses the Red Sea on dry ground, so perhaps God would work in the same manner. 
   There certainly are some similarities. We know that the LORD caused the river to dry up before Joshua, just as before Moses at the Red Sea, and they crossed safely. However, there was one major difference. At the Red Sea, the waters parted before they started across, but here at the Jordan, the waters would not part until they walked in. Both crossings required faith that God would keep the waters would remain at bay, but each act of faith was unique. What the knew God did in the past was not the exact same way He would work this time.
   As I look as these two accounts I am reminded how we must grow in our faith. The manner in which the LORD answered our prayer yesterday will likely be different than the way He does today.  However, He is still the same God. He still responds to His people.  He is still the object of our faith. Whether the trial you are facing looks the same as some past trial or is new territory for you, just keep trusting in the LORD, and let God be God. However He chooses to "part the waters" will be more than sufficient for you.


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