That's Not Worship

"Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship." - Romans 12:1 (NASB)

   Worship is not singing, although singing is a part of worship. Worship is not praying, although praying is part of worship. Giving is not worship, and neither is Bible reading, attending church services, witnessing, or any number of activities that we often combine together and call it "worship". So then, what is worship?
   If you look at any Bible dictionary you will find a definition that states something along the lines of "homage paid to God." Paul notes above that worship is presenting our lives as a living and holy sacrifice (or offering) to God. In other words, worship is both an attitude and posture of the heart in which a person humbles himself (or herself) before God,  surrendering to His will, His plan, and His desires.
   Please do not miss what I am saying. Singing, praying, giving, and the others are all important and vital aspects of our worship, but sometimes we can be lulled into thinking that worship is what happens only at church. Don't believe it! We do not have to wait until Sunday to worship God. You and I can worship the LORD this very moment regardless of where we are and what we are doing. How? By humbly and continually offering ourselves to God.
   Remember, Worship is not just for Sundays!


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