It IS a Delight!

"But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night."
 - Ps. 1:2 (NASB)

     The writer uses and interesting term in relation to his feelings toward the Word of God: delight. The Hebrew word "chêphets" means something that is valuable, desirable, and pleasant.**  It is very interesting to me that David, the man the Bible calls a man after God's own heart, had such fond feelings for God's Word. Personally I do not believe this is a coincidence. It is hard to love the LORD and not love His Word. The Word of God, the Bible, reveals the LORD to humanity. I shows us what He is like (to a degree), what He desires, and how He works within humanity. It also shows just how much love He has toward us in the death of Jesus. Honestly, how can we not have delight in His word as David did?
   Looking back at my own life, the times when the passion for serving God died down is tied directly to my time spent reading, studying, and meditating on Scripture. Not only did my passion turn to a smolder, but my prayer life went down with it. Everything suffered when I neglected the Bible. The Bible is our single most important source of spiritual food. Books, magazines, internet articles, blogs, and preachers are no substitute in the life of a believer for the Word of God. We ALL must be students of Scripture. 
   It is never too late to begin making the Bible a regular part of your daily life. You are neither too old too young, nor too busy, educated, or spiritual to spend time reading, studying, and meditating on it. After twenty years in ministry, I can confidently say that your spiritual life will be a direct result of your time in God's Word and prayer. Whether your spiritual life is abundant or impoverished is largely based upon what you put into it. Make God's Word the most important of your goals each day, and you soon will find spiritual fire burning within.

**Logos Bible Software, 2010.


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