Go Forth!
"Now the LORD said
to Abram, "Go forth from your country, And from your relatives And from your
father's house, To the land which I will show
you;" (Gen. 12:1, NASB)
I love this passage of Scripture. The LORD made Abram, aka Abraham, some fantastic promises, and Abraham was apparently eager to get started. However, the LORD never told Abraham what his path would be like. That his life would be in danger, that he would have to rescue his nephew from captivity, that he would be in danger of losing his wife, that he would fail God. No, all he knew is that God was going to direct him "to the land which I will show you."
Well the year 2014 is here. What paths will you take as this new year unfolds before you? Is there little doubt that this year will have laughter and tears, joy and pain, abundance and want, life and death? We do not know what will come our way this year, but we do know that our God is leading us forward. Regardless of what may come you way this, your best course of action is to cling to the LORD, and walk so closely with Him that you never lose your way. Go forth into the great journey the LORD has for you. Begin now!
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