For His Great Name

"...And what will You do for Your great name?" - Joshua 7:9 (NASB)

   Israel was in a tough spot. After an incredible victory over Jericho, they faced a humiliating defeat at Ai because one man chose to defy the LORD's command. The verse above is the end of a prayer that Joshua is offering to God in trying to discover why God would let them fail after bringing them so far. The failure was not God's fault, but man's. And the verses that follow reveal the "rest of the story."
   Look back at Joshua's prayer for a moment: "And what will You do for Your great name?" Contrary to what some may think, God is not in the business of exalting man. Yes, he elevate any man or woman in a public manner for His purposes, but the reason is never to bring attention to the individual. When man attempts to "touch" the glory of God, or try to "take" some of it for himself, he is setting himself up for failure. The LORD wants His creation to honor and worship Him alone. He does not, and will not, share that with anyone. However, when man humbles himself before God and allows the LORD to use him for His eternal purposes, God can use that person in mighty and powerful ways. 
   I realize that I am taking this verse out of context just a little, but not contrary to Biblical meaning. I believe that the Bible is crystal clear that everything we see is for the glory and honor of God. All creation belongs to Him, and one day He will "clean house" in order to bring honor to His name. You and I do not have to wait to bring honor to His name. We can do that today by humbling ourselves before Him and worshipping Him. By "worship" I mean the Biblical definition of worship, which is to  "bow down before." It is a humbling of the physical, spiritual, emotional, and spiritual self before God.  When we honor God in this manner, His great name and presence is manifested in our lives and is visible to those around. Honor God in your life today, and watch His Great Name become evident in your life.


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