To Each His Own
To Each His Own

"...the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself." - Ezekiel 18:20 (NASB)
The LORD, through the prophet Ezekiel, begins this chapter with a local (OT) proverb or saying which went, "The fathers eat the sour grapes, but the children's teeth are set on edge." This saying was something familiar to the people of Israel. Jeremiah too references this same proverb (31:29-30). The saying implies that the sin of the father is punished in his children. It is true that if we choose to make poor choices, our families may suffer for it. Our choices do affect other people, especially those whom we love, but suffering is quite different that punishment. Make no mistake, God does not punish you for someone else's sin.
There is a principle that the LORD is teaching His people throughout this entire chapter, one of consequence and responsibility. In the United States, we like our freedoms and enjoy the right to choose most things for ourselves. Well, God was the originator of the idea of freedom. In Genesis, He gave Adam and Eve the choice to live or die. That same freedom to choose runs from "Genesis to maps" as the old expression goes. Today is no different for you and I, we still much choose. If a person chooses to live righteously in and before God, they are rewarded. However, if a person chooses to dwell in sin and evil, they are punished.
You cannot experience the goodness of God because your parents may have, nor can you suffer the judgment of God because they may have. You are free to make your own choice. You may have grown up in a highly rich spiritual environment, a drug and alcohol fueled one, or an abusive and hate-filled one. You environment growing up will definitely influence you, but the choice of what you will do today is your choice. God is no respecter of persons. He wants you to experience His love and power, His grace and mercy, and His blessing. I guess the only real question, then, is which will you choose? To each his own, eh?
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