Ancient Boundaries (repost)
[The original post was back in July, but it bears repeating. This is one the the most read and shared that I have posted to date. I have update a few items, but the message is the same.]
As I think about it, this verse seems especially appropriate for our world today. We do not think about it too much, but our world is filled with boundaries. Boundaries serve several important tasks. First, they keep things in. There are some pretty amazing creatures to see at a zoo, many of which are extremely dangerous to us. However, because of the barriers erected, we can observe lions and hyena from a safe location. Barriers also keep things out. Again think of the zoo. Imagine sitting down with your family in the designated picnic area, and the keepers allow the hyena to come and join in. Hyena are still dangerous, regardless of which century you live in. Just because there is new understanding of their behavior does not mean that we can bring one into our houses as pets. Finally, boundaries also mark the way. They let us know when we are "on the trail" or when we have left it. Boundaries keep us safe.
There are many ethical, emotional, moral, and spiritual boundaries that have been set before us. In most cases, these are boundaries that have been set many years before our time, and yet are still valid. Some are to keep us out, some to keep danger away, and some simply mark the way for us. However, we are living in an age when the wisdom of yesterday is discarded with the "fresh understanding" of today. Make no mistake, the Bible is old, but the Word of God is timeless. As Christians, by faith and prayer, we must maintain those boundaries for our lives, our families, our churches, and our nation. When you read the Bible, you will find that many of these boundaries have been established by God Himself. Who are we to remove His boundaries?
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