Thorns and Snares

"…but they shall become as thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare to you." - Judges 2:3 (NASB)

   The angel of the LORD is speaking to His people, the Israelites, and has a pretty harsh message for them. What did they do that brought this on themselves? Nothing! Don't misunderstand me, they were supposed to do something, but they chose not to. In chapter one of Judges we find Israel not "in control" of the promised land. However, the land's previous inhabitants were still there. God had given His people specific instructions to drive them out and make no covenants with them. They accomplished this in numerous places, but there were some areas that the inhabitants were so dug-in that Israel said, "Forget it. We will just make them our slaves," (my commentary, not a quote from Scripture). You can read the full list of those inhabitants whom they allowed to stay put in verses 27-36 of the same chapter. 
   As I was meditating on this earlier this morning, I began thinking about just how much hardship the people brought on themselves because they did not want to deal with what was entrenched. Granted, war is not easy. Those who say it is have never been in battle. However, God told the people that He would go before them and be with them as they marched in and conquered the land. In spite of God's promised presence, they chose the easy route, and it cost them. The same people that were supposed to be removed from the land became an ever-present source of pain to Israel. If you do not believe me, just look at the Middle East today and you will see some of the same people groups still causing trouble.
   We can learn a powerful and important lesson from this passage of Scripture: Those things which are contrary to God's Word must go. The habits, thoughts, emotions, ambitions, relationships, and passions that are present in our lives that are contrary to the things of God MUST be conquered! Anything that we allow to stay in our lives, that God says has to go, will remain a thorn and an idol in our lives. Thorns cause us to hurt and bleed, and idols cause us to walk away from God. Neither of these are wholesome for believers. Is it easy removing these entrenched things? No. War is never easy, but is necessary. The good news is that God does not expect you to go it alone. He has promised to go with His people and empower them for the journey. Make it your goal today to drive out those things which remain, and enjoy your liberty in Jesus.


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