Tempting Failure
"Then Samson went down to Timnah with his father and mother, and came as far as the vineyards of Timnah..." - Judges 14:5 (NASB)
Samson is a childhood Sunday School favorite of many. He was strong, brave, and just downright awesome! Then, we become adults and realize that Samson is far from the superhero we thought he was as kids. Samson was chosen by God to be a Nazarite, (Num. 6:2-5). The Nazarite was covenant or dedication of sorts for a period of time. During the time the Nazarite could not cut his hair, could not touch a dead body (human or other), and could eat or drink nothing coming from grapes. We know from Scripture that Samson touched a lion's carcass, and had his hair cut. Many Bible scholars believe that it is implied by his lifestyle that he drank wine or ate grapes. These three broken commitments culminated in his loss of his supernatural strength.
You likely know these things, but want I want to draw your attention for a moment to Samson's lifestyle. He did amazing and incredible things, but he also lived on the edge. And, as we are all aware, when you live on edge, it is easy to fall. In the verse above, Samson is traveling with his parents and comes to the vineyards. The question that comes to my mind this morning is why? Why, knowing his Nazarite vow, did his parents take him through the vineyards? In my opinion they should have steered Samson as far away as possible to ensure that he was not tempted by the grapes. I realize that the Bible does not record him eating or drinking anything here; however, he does later reach into the lion's carcass right in the middle of the vineyard. Samson continually tempted failure, and it cost him.
It is easy to sit here and make judgments about Samson's life, and I am the first to admit that Samson would probably have some scathing things to say of my own life. Still, I wonder just how much more he could have done had he been faithful to God? Would his life and "ministry" been longer and ended in a different manner? Was is necessary for him to live "on the edge"? I do not have these answers, however I can learn from his life. Thankfully Samson's tragedy teaches me about more than simply staying away from grapes. How about you?
Samson is a childhood Sunday School favorite of many. He was strong, brave, and just downright awesome! Then, we become adults and realize that Samson is far from the superhero we thought he was as kids. Samson was chosen by God to be a Nazarite, (Num. 6:2-5). The Nazarite was covenant or dedication of sorts for a period of time. During the time the Nazarite could not cut his hair, could not touch a dead body (human or other), and could eat or drink nothing coming from grapes. We know from Scripture that Samson touched a lion's carcass, and had his hair cut. Many Bible scholars believe that it is implied by his lifestyle that he drank wine or ate grapes. These three broken commitments culminated in his loss of his supernatural strength.
You likely know these things, but want I want to draw your attention for a moment to Samson's lifestyle. He did amazing and incredible things, but he also lived on the edge. And, as we are all aware, when you live on edge, it is easy to fall. In the verse above, Samson is traveling with his parents and comes to the vineyards. The question that comes to my mind this morning is why? Why, knowing his Nazarite vow, did his parents take him through the vineyards? In my opinion they should have steered Samson as far away as possible to ensure that he was not tempted by the grapes. I realize that the Bible does not record him eating or drinking anything here; however, he does later reach into the lion's carcass right in the middle of the vineyard. Samson continually tempted failure, and it cost him.
It is easy to sit here and make judgments about Samson's life, and I am the first to admit that Samson would probably have some scathing things to say of my own life. Still, I wonder just how much more he could have done had he been faithful to God? Would his life and "ministry" been longer and ended in a different manner? Was is necessary for him to live "on the edge"? I do not have these answers, however I can learn from his life. Thankfully Samson's tragedy teaches me about more than simply staying away from grapes. How about you?
Yes indeed. Just like Eve, Samson walked by sin too long before it bit him. This is good stuff. Some of the best I've read all day. Drop by and say hello: http://www.wait4myking.com/