Jesus At the Center

"…We have found Him of whom Moses in the Law and also the Prophets wrote…" - (Jn. 1:45, NASB)

   It is impossible to overemphasize the importance of Jesus throughout the Word of God. Although I believe that Philip did not fully understand at that moment, he grasped the OT Scriptures enough to recognize that the man standing before him was the Messiah. Too often we limit the Biblical account of Jesus to the gospels. However, even a casual observer reading through the Bible should be able to see the fingerprints of Jesus throughout. Jesus, the anointed of God, is the central figure, and the great revelation of God to humanity. The OT hinted, foreshadowed, foretold, prophesied, and looked forward to His arrival on earth. The Gospels record His supernatural arrival, life, words, and ministry, along with the central event of creation: the cross, death, and resurrection. The epistles outline the meaning and application of His glorious existence, along with the effects of Jesus' ministry on humanity. And Revelation declares the ultimate exaltation and completion of God's marvelous plan. Quite literally, Jesus is present and primary from cover-to-cover. A Bible professor in my undergrad study proclaimed that in the timeline of eternity, the cross, death, and resurrection of Jesus was the central point upon which eternity past and future rested. Eternity rests on Him.
   The reason I share this is due to the continual pressure to alter our faith into something that is acceptable and not-so-offensive to those around us. The rule of thumb today seems to be that you can worship any god you choose, in any way you choose, as long as it is not Jesus. Yet, within the first 14 verses of chapter one John records for us that Jesus is God, Jesus as creator and sustainer, as light and life, and the only One who is able to give individuals the right to become children of God. Further study reveals Him to be our deliverer, restorer, healer, and baptizer, our hope, peace, and source of love. The miracles that Jesus performed as recorded in the NT verify His claims, and the miracles that He still performs today in the lives of men and women provide further proof of who He is. The bottom line is that whether it is offensive or unacceptable, there is only one path that leads to the true God, and the name of that path is Jesus!

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