The Cry of Desperation

"Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O LORD." - Psalm 130:1 (NASB)

   Any good parent is familiar with the different "cries" that children exhibit. Among these we find the I-have-a-boo-boo cry, which usually produces tears, both on the child and the parent. There is also the I'm-not-getting-my-way cry, which needs no explanation and is very similar to the I'm-not-getting-enough-attention cry. In addition, we are familiar with the there's-a-monster-in-my-closet cry, which demands immediate attention or no one will get any sleep. However, there is no other sound from a child that is like the cry of desperation, the cry when they are seriously hurt or in danger. This piercing cry penetrates the hearts of mommies, for it is a cry of terror, despair, and helplessness. This desperate plead is for intervention. As I read David's words this morning, this is the kind of "cry" I hear coming from his lips. What particular depths the Psalmist was referring to remains unclear; nevertheless, it left him in a desperate place. 
   No one likes to be in desperate situation, where our friends, family, money, intellect, status, wisdom, or experience are helpless to remedy our situation. And yet it is precisely in these times that we see the marvelous power and glory of God displayed unlike anywhere else. God loves His people, and He loves to work on their behalf. There is an old expression that says, "Desperate times call for desperate measures." David was in a desperate situation, and he cried out his helplessness before the LORD.  Although we do not see God's answer within the Psalm, history tells us that the answer surely came. 
   Maybe we can learn from his example. Our natural instinct will be to attempt to understand and fix our present trials. That is not necessarily a bad approach, but maybe our first response should be to get desperate before the God of creation. Get alone with Him and let Him know the depths of your pain and despair. You will find that He is ready to listen, but He is also ready to respond.

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