I Am the Vine

"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." - (Jn. 15:5, NASB)

A brief excerpt from yesterday's message.

   There is one main, overarching theme in this passage of Scripture: Jesus is our source! Everything else in this passage flows from that thought. He is the vine, not we ourselves. We sometimes think, or at least act, as though we have the capacity to bear fruit by sheer strength and determination, but it is just not possible. We are the branches. The branch receives its nourishment from the vine itself, and the health of the branch is directly linked to both the health of the vine and the strength of its connection. As the vine, Jesus is perfect, so there is no problem there. The problem comes in our connection with the vine. The stronger connection we have, the more of His life flows in and through us. I am not talking about improving on salvation. We cannot do anything further to be saved, or to be connected to Him, for we are saved by grace through faith, period!  Jesus said, "…abide in Me and I in him…" This speaks of relationship. If we are going to be spiritually healthy and fruitful, we must maintain a strong connection with Jesus. Through reading and studying Scripture, prayer, connecting to and involving ourselves in a local church, we learn to strengthen that relationship connection with our LORD. In doing so, we ensure that His life will continually flow into ours.
   One final thought. Jesus said, "apart from Me you can do nothing." When Jesus says "nothing" does He mean we literally can do "nothing" apart from Him? Absolutely! In Colossians Paul writes, "in (Jesus) all things hold together." (1:17, NASB) If it were not for the grace of God sustaining our every breath, our meager existence would cease. I breathe because the LORD holds me together and allows me to breathe. Therefore, there is nothing in this life that I can take credit for. Any thought, word or deed is because of Jesus. To Him alone belongs all glory. Without Him, we can do nothing, but through Him we can all things!


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