He Holds Your Hand

"…When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, because the LORD is the One who holds his hand…" - (Ps. 37:24, NASB)

   David was a remarkable individual. He passionately worshipped and loved God. He also passionately failed God. As a result of his sin, two lives were lost. How did David respond? He continued worshipping the LORD. Even though he never penned it this way, David knew that permanent failure was not an option to those who serve God. Everyone sins. This is not a new revelation, nor is it an encouraging thought, but it is true. Even after we have been transformed by the power of God in salvation, we still sin. Our nature has been changed, so we are not spiritually bound to keep sinning, but we still fail God from time to time. However, when we do sin, we have God's promise that He will forgive us and cleanse us from sin as we confess it before Him (1 Jn. 1:8-9).
   With all that said, I love the way in which David expresses his understanding, "When he falls, He will not be hurled headlong." In other words, when he falls, it will not be permanent or fatal, because the LORD "holds his hand." I love that. One of my favorite hymns records this great chorus: 
Jesus hold my hand
I need thee every hour
Through this pilgrim land
Protect me by thy power.
Hear my feeble plea.
O Lord look down on me
When I kneel in prayer I hope to meet you there
Blessed Jesus hold my hand.
   We worship and serve a God who is near to His people. This is what sets Christianity apart from all other religions and faiths. Salvation is more than a spiritual reward, it is a relationship with the LORD who created us. We need the hand of God on us at all times. And, we have it!


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