God of Wonders
"You are the God who works wonders; You have made known Your strength among the peoples." - (Ps. 77:14, NASB)
Christians believe the Bible to be God's inspired word to mankind, and rightly so. There are a good handful of reasons that we can boldly proclaim the Bible to be the only inspired writing. Among these would be the unity of the writing through the hands of 40+ different authors in over 1,500 years of writing, the historical, geographical, and archaeological factual information, the fulfillment of prophecies, and others. However, to me at least, the most important is the "wonders," the supernatural manifestations and miracles that accompany the Bible. All the other reasons are vastly important, but miracles tend to be personal in nature as God does something mighty in an individual, family, or group of people. They also tend to get people's attention. This is one reason why Jesus told His followers "signs will accompany those who have believed." (Mk. 16:17-18, NASB) The signs and wonders validated the message within the Bible. Miracles and supernatural signs were normal occurrences among the disciples of the early church, but history reveals that signs and wonders were not restricted to the first century church.
There are some within Christianity that deny the existence of such manifestations of God's power today. I respectfully and whole-heartedly disagree. God has always been in the business of showing forth His power and majesty in and among the lives of man. What He did in the OT, He did in the NT, and He still does today. It would take up too much space, but I have witnessed with my own eyes the wonders of God manifested in physical healings of cancer and injuries, restoration of broken lives and families, deliverance of oppressed individuals from demonic possession, and instantaneous freedom from the effects of drug use and abuse. These are not "stories" I heard someone else tell, these are things I witnessed myself. God is still in the business of performing wonders and showing His strength among man. Those who deny the possibility deny themselves the incredible spiritual resources that the LORD provides to His people of every generation. He was not the "God of wonders" in the past, nor will be in the future, He IS the God of wonders NOW!
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