
"…and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip…" - (Acts 6:5-6, NASB)

   Philip was an interesting man. If you trace his life in the book of Acts you will find a man who faithfully exercised the responsibilities entrusted to him. Very little is known of him at this time, other than he was full of the spirit and of good reputation. He was one of the seven, chosen from among and by the church, to serve the church under the disciples blessings.  Later, when the church is scattered abroad due in large part to pre-conversion Paul, Philip ends up in Samaria. There he preaches and teaches about Jesus, cast out demons, and performs miracles before the people. Philip's preaching of the gospel impacted Samaria so much that Peter and John came to further the ministry there. Later, Philip meets an Ethiopian who is searching the Scriptures. Philip teaches him about Jesus and baptizes him. As a result the gospel spreads into Ethiopia. Philip is miraculously carried away to another location, and undoubtably continues preaching. Much later in Acts, we find Philip in Caesarea and he is now referred to as "the evangelist". He has four daughters upon whom God's mighty hand is resting. Incidentally, Paul, the one who caused Philip to run out of Jerusalem, camps out with Philip for a time.
   There is a simple yet powerful principle displayed in Philip's life: God honors faithfulness. In Jesus' parable of the talents, two servants heard the master say to them, "Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master." (Matt. 25:14-30, NASB)  If there is one skill, one trait that God is looking for above and beyond all others, it is faithfulness. Not only does faithfulness bring joy to the LORD, but He can use a faithful man or woman in more ways than He ever could a talented one. Talent and skill are inferior qualities to faithfulness. If you are doubtful, just remember that Jesus first chose fishermen to carry the gospel. Wherever you may be, whatever God has you doing, remain faithful in that field. You heavenly Father is watching, and you will reap a harvest in His time, if you remain faithful (Gal. 6:9)


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