Stayed Long Enough

"The LORD our God spoke to us at Horeb, saying, 'You have stayed long enough at this mountain.'" - (Deut. 1:6, NASB)

   We all enjoy basking in the presence and glory of God. All of us, hopefully, have been in worship times together where the presence of God was so amazing that we were hesitant to open our eyes for fear of seeing God standing before us. All of our fears, cares, and anxieties disappeared and were replaced with peace, joy, love, and hope. It is during those times that we almost have to drag ourselves away from church. As Christian, we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, so everywhere we go we are in the presence of God, but there is something powerful when God allows us to encounter Him in these ways. At Horeb (Sinai) Moses met God for the first time. Furthermore,  it was at Horeb that water flowed from the rock, and the mountain was engulfed in flame from God's presence.   The people watch the mountain shake from the presence of God, and it was here that the LORD gave the law to the people. Many wonderful and incredible things happened by that mountain. Yet, in spite of all these amazing events, God wanted them to move forward.  And, as they followed the LORD into the promised land, there were many more miracles that took place. Some might argue that the greatest miracles happened after they left Horeb.
   Sometimes I wonder if we, the church in America, has stayed "long enough"? We are content to sit and soak rather than follow Christ into the field. As wonderful as our worship gatherings may be, there are greater miracles outside the doors of the church if we will only move forward. Our job is to take the message of Jesus to a world that is lost. With less than 50% of the population professing Jesus, America is no longer a Christian nation. The task is great, if not impossible, from a human standpoint. However, this opens up the realm of supernatural intervention. After we have enjoyed the presence of God on Sunday, let's take His power and presence with us on Monday and watch the miracles begin. 


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