Share the Water

"…And he who waters will himself be watered." - (Prov. 11:25, NASB)

   We have an undeniable way of convincing ourselves that giving leaves us with less, and keeping leaves us with more. We try this with our money, our time, our energy, our emotions, and ministry. For example, somewhere in the back of our minds we say, "If I give my tithes then I will have less money." This may be true from a mathematical standpoint, but it is false from a spiritual standpoint. It is hard for us, as humans, to wrap our minds around the simple fact that the more we give to God the more He enables us to give. If you are still reading this, then you are bracing yourself for a post about money. Take a deep breath, this is not about money, although the principle works there also.
   In 1 Kings 17, there is an incredible story. After prophesying about a drought throughout the land, Elijah was sent, by God to be cared for by a widow in Zarephath. The widow was very poor. So poor, in fact, that when Elijah showed up at her house she had enough groceries to make one small meal for she and her son. Then, the most incredible thing takes place. Elijah directs this poor widow to use the last of her food to prepare a meal for him, telling her that after she does this there will enough for she and her son also. The widow does as she is instructed and Elijah is fed, as well as she and her son. To me that is pretty amazing, but it is what follows that really gets my attention. The Bible says that this is precisely how the LORD cared for the three of them, basically until the drought was over. As long as the widow gave what she had to God first, He made sure that she was cared for. 
   The dictionary definition of "stagnant" is "water that is not flowing." We can become spiritually stagnant. Holding in the blessings that God has sent your way, when He is wanting to use them, will not cause you to have overflow, you will become stagnant. Has God sent blessings your way? Then, why not ask God how you might "water" someone else's life? It may by spiritually, emotionally, financially, mentally, or any number of ways. Bless someone out of the blessings that God has sent you. There will be enough for them, and for you. Remember, it all belongs to God in the first place. 


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