Promises for All

"…Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who does with you…" (Deut. 31: 1-8, NASB)

   This is a familiar passage of Scripture, especially to preachers and teachers. Moses, right before his departure as Israel's leader, is speaking to Joshua and the people. We seem to focus our thoughts on the transfer of leadership that takes place in this passage, but there is another, perhaps more important, thought that is worthy of observing. If you read this passage very carefully you will notice that Moses first addresses the people, and then addresses Joshua. He does not leave anyone out. Also, you will also likely notice that the words are strikingly similar, and the meaning is identical. The promise of God's presence during the journey was applicable to Joshua, but also the individual Israelite as well. The promise was for all.
   We sometimes look at the promises within Word of God and think to ourselves, "That does not apply to me." The truth is that if a promise is good for one believer, then it is good for all believers. If it is applicable to leadership, then it is applicable to the followers as well. If it is valid for the veteran Christian, then it is valid for the new convert. God is no respecter of persons. If God has revealed to you a promise in His Word, then you can take it to the bank.


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