God Rejoices!
"…for the LORD will again rejoice over you for good, just as He rejoiced over your fathers…" - (Deut. 30:9, NASB)
Deuteronomy, as I have stated previously, is primarily a final dissertation of Moses to the people of Israel before they enter the promised land, without him. He gives words that are encouraging, and some that are not too flattering at all. This verse of Scripture is neatly tucked away contextually as Moses is informing the people how the LORD would restore them when they sinned, and then returned to Him. When they return, Moses tells them that God will again rejoice over you. Let that sink in for a moment. The LORD, the author of life, the omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent God of creation, rejoices over His people. Rejoice, in Hebrew usage, means to be glad, to delight, to be joyful, and/or to be merry. Any way you choose to interpret the verse, it tells us that God delights in His people when they walk with Him. We also find this same thought in Isaiah 62:5, Matthew 18:13, and Luke 10:21.
What does this mean for you and I? Like many of you, my wife and I have children. They are beautiful, talented, and intelligent. Watching them participate in sports and activities, and watching them enjoy life is wonderful. Furthermore, seeing them worship the LORD and follow Him is awesome. They bring great joy to our lives as parents. The LORD feels the same way with us. He truly enjoys His creation. Some have been led to believe that God is tyrannically sitting on His throne watching over humanity. Please do not get me wrong, He is holy, just, and righteous. We cannot conveniently discard these qualities of God. However, He is not looking for opportunities to rebuke and rebuff, He is looking for opportunities to smile and rejoice as His people follow Him. Do not allow the thought to enter our heads that God is out to get us. He wants to enjoy us. Why not give Him something to smile about.
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