Bow Now!
"…at the name of Jesus every knee will bow…" - (Phil. 2:10-11, NASB)
This verse of Scripture is one of the most well-known among Christianity. It presents a profound truth that Jesus is the only King of kings and Lord of lords, and that every other entity, potentate, and royalty is subject to Him. There is no small discussion in our world today about who God really is and how a person can get to Him. You will hear of many "worthy" candidates and of many different paths to find Him. The Bible even tells us that many will come (and already have come) who will proclaim to be Jesus, but they are counterfeits. At the Great White Throne Judgment as told in Revelation chapter twenty, every man and woman who has refused to accept Jesus as their savior and LORD will stand before Jesus to answer for their lives. Among those will be individuals such as Buddha, Mohammed, Molech, Pharaoh, and a long list of those who have falsely claimed themselves as God. Each of these "potentates" will bow before Jesus, proclaiming Him as the only LORD. This passage brought a thought to my mind. What if, in complete insanity, one of these still refused in their minds to bow before Jesus? I believe that, if that were possible, that their physical bodies would rebel against their minds and wills and would crumble at the feet of Jesus. The Bible tells us that if we remain silent that the rocks would cry out. I do not believe it to be a great stretch to think that our bodies would rebel and worship, even if our minds said "No." The heavenly scenes we see in Revelation are very clear: In the presence of Jesus, all must bow and worship.
The Bible is very clear, we can bow before Him now, or we can bow before Him later. I choose now AND later, how about you?
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