Achieving Victory

"…he appointed those who should sing to the LORD…as they went out before the army…" - II Chron. 20:21-22 (NASB)

   It is uncomfortable to admit it, but most of us become gripped with fear, complain, or even hide when faced with some trial. Our carnal nature, which is all about preserving self, has a tendency to override our spiritual nature. This is not how it is supposed to be. As Christians, we have come to know the God who created the universe, gave us life, and promises to be with us in all things. Our response should be different. In this great account of history, the people of Judah were the target of a group attack from Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir. When the king, Jehoshaphat, heard of the plans, the Bible tells us that his initial response was fear (v3). However, he did not allow fear to paralyze him. The fear drove him to seeking the LORD in prayer as he called a fast for the entire community. During this time a prophet spoke up and informed the people that the battle was God's, and they would not have to fight. As they approached the time of battle, Jehoshaphat put the worshippers in front of the army, and they sang their way into battle. As they worshipped, God caused the opposing forces to turn on and destroy each other, so when Judah arrived at the battlefield, it was already over.
   Three very important points stand out here. First, they fasted and sought the LORD. This was the first step, not the last. We often look to God after things have gotten messy. Starting out by seeing God will change everything. Second, they heard from God. This is very important. They did not merely tell God what was taking place, they waited to hear what He would say, and did not act until God spoke. Often times we act before God gives us the direction. Finally, they worshipped. Worship is far more than merely singing songs. Worship is honoring God by making Him priority one. Singing is a part of that when we, in melody and harmony, declare Him as LORD.
   Whatever difficulty may be staring you down, your best option is to look to the LORD, hear from Him, and worship Him. In other words, do not let your difficulty become your focus. Let God be your focus, and everything else will fall in line.


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