A Proper Response
"But the eleven proceeded to Galilee…When they saw Him, they worshiped…"
- (Matt. 28:16-17, NSAB)
Each of the writers of the four gospels shared their account from a unique point of view and purpose. John set out to prove that Jesus was the Son of God. Matthew wrote primarily to the Jews in effort, among others, to show that Jesus was the promised Messiah in the OT. Therefore we should not be distraught when one account varies some from the others. Mathew does not record Peter and John at the empty tomb, nor about His showing up in the "locked room" where they were hiding for fear of the Jews. At this point Jesus had been crucified, buried, and had risen from the grave. However, I think it is very significant to point out the reaction of His disciples when they all see Him together: they worshiped. Yes, the verse above does tell us that some doubted, but some Bible scholars point out that this most likely refers to others, possible amend the 500 other followers, that may have accompanied the disciples. Except for Thomas' reaction prior to placing his hands in Jesus' wounds, it is hard to believe that any of the eleven could doubt after all they had seen.
For approximately three and one-half years the disciples walked with Jesus. They saw the miracles and hearings He performed, they witnessed the massive crowds that followed Jesus almost daily, they saw both the joy and anger of the people towards Him, and they watched Him die. However, there is very little said about them worshiping Him until He rose from the grave. "Worship" in this verse comes from the Greek word *proskyneÅ* meaning, "to kiss, (like a dog licking his master's hand); to fawn or crouch to, i.e. (literal or figurative) prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore). ProskyneÅ is a very visual word in that it depicts a posture of humbling oneself before another. When the disciples saw Jesus, the risen LORD, the only proper response was to worship.
Most people in this world have at least heard of Jesus. Some have heard a genuine gospel presentation, some have heard His name mentioned in reference to religion, some have even heard His name used as obscenity. However, when we move from hearing of Jesus, to knowing and seeing the risen LORD, the One who died for our sin, the only proper action is to worship. In your life, are you worshiping Him in the same manner the disciples did? Are you humbling yourself before Him each and every day, submitting your life to His will? Do you recognize Him as the LORD, the only true God, worthy of all praise and honor? Why not take some time and give Him what is due?
Magnify the LORD and praise His name!
*James Strong, Strong's Talking Greek & Hebrew Dictionary, (Austin, TX: WORDsearch Corp., 2007), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, Under: "4352".
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