We Need More Duct Tape

Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person. (Col. 4:6, NASB) There's a song many of us sung as children in church. The third verse went like this: "Oh, be careful little mouth, what you say, Oh, be careful little mouth, what you say, For the Father up above, Is looking down in love, So be careful little mouth what you say." This was and is a kid's song, but the principle that is presented in this song is not merely one for children. Paul stated that our speech should be with grace "as though seasoned with salt" . We often seemed to be focused more on the salt part of Paul's statement than the grace part. Social media is a fairly new dynamic that many are still struggling with. There seems to be an air of anonymity when we stare at our electronic devices that allows us to say things that we would never say in person to another individual or to a gr...