When Jesus Calls Your Name

"Jesus said to her, 'Mary!' She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, 'Rabboni!' (which means, Teacher." - (Jn. 20:16, NASB) Does Jesus really know your name? I believe so. The Bible is clear that every hair on our heads are numbered and the LORD takes into account every bird that drops dead to the ground (Mt. 10:29) . In addition, the Bible tells us that God knows every star and calls them by name ( Ps. 147:4 ). So, yes, I believe that God knows your name. Why is that significant? In the verse above, Mary had been talking to Jesus and two angelic visitors at the tomb where Jesus had been placed just two days prior. She was talking to Jesus, and yet did not realize that she was, in fact, talking with the risen Jesus. It was not until he called her by name that she recognized whom it was speaking to her, but when she heard, "Mary!" she knew. In American society, names often do not carry the significance they do in many othe...